Kelly & Associates is a consulting firm that specializes in assisting businesses with liquor license applications. Our firm is located in downtown St. Louis and has been in business since 1988. Our clients base consists of large publicly owned corporations, as well as locally owned and operated businesses. Our clients are primarily in retail sales, restaurants, nightclubs and the hospitality industry.
We are retained to expedite the liquor license application process for proposed new businesses and changes in existing businesses. Our focus is the St. Louis Metropolitan area. We have a well established a rapport with the City of St. Louis, St. Louis, St. Charles and Jefferson Counties, the State of Missouri, and all of the municipalities in the metro area.
We specialize in business license applications including registering tax accounts. Occupancy permit application, including zoning regulations. Restaurant and environmental health permits, including compliance regulations. Alcohol beverage license including compliance regulations, community established restrictions, and public safety requirements. Temporary permits such catering permits and festival permits.
In addition to processing application forms and handling bureaucratic details quite often we become involved in community communication. We provided guidance for proposed new businesses in contacting elected officials, local residential and business associations, and public safety official. We prepare our clients for public hearing. We attend and often mediate community meetings; we are very well versed in offering solutions to common concerns that affect the tranquil co-existence of business and residence.
Some local agencies in the St. Louis area require proposed new business circulate petitions for support. We provide this service; we are experienced with the concerned of many of the communities and neighborhoods in the St. Louis area. Quite often these concerns involve public safety, traffic and parking, litter, and noise. We either mediate solutions to potential problems or advise our clients that their proposal is not conducive to with the desires of the neighborhood. We work with developers, government officials and the community to establish criteria for proposed commercial developments. We assist neighborhood organization to establish restrictions and moratoriums on certain types of businesses in residential areas. We work with business associations to set standers for future development. We work with established businesses to help maintain a harmonious relationship with residential neighbors.